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How not to turn a shuttle into a tiny tiny ball

Posted on Sun Nov 22, 2020 @ 8:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Ethan Brash & Commander Ajani Carter & Lieutenant JG Sanok

Mission: Episode 1: On Stranger Tides
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 01
1020 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Carter stood staring at the Type 9 shuttlecraft currently in the maintenance bay waiting for Brash and Lenwa to work out a way to get it close to the black hole. Well, it is waiting given that she had yet to inform them why she needed to put a shuttle in conditions like that.

"Lieutenants Brash and Lenwa, please report to the maintenance bay" she closed the channel. The Eagle sat on the edge of the strangest black hole she had ever known about. Sensors were not going to get them what they wanted at this range and the Eagle would never survive the trip. Well, that was the theory right now anyway.

Several minutes later, Ethan popped through the doorway, a pep in his step. "Reporting for duty, ma'am!"

Taya followed Brash into the shuttle bay. The captain was waiting for them.

"Ah, hello there, thank you for joining me. Before you is a Type 9 shuttlecraft, it has to get closer to that black hole in order to solve the problems." she smiled, it faded quickly, "Yes of course, so the black hole is only showing traces of Hawking radiation and hardly any gas ejection. The Eagle's sensors picked up a few anomalies which could indicate vessels. But, at this range and with our slight lack of powerful science sensors we gotta get closer."

Ethan looked towards the shuttle, "We're taking that little thing towards a black hole?" He grinned, returning his gaze to Carter. "Tell me what you need."

Ajani loved the willingness "That tiny shuttle needs to survive the tidal stresses of a massive black hole. It needs to survive the radiation within the accretion disk and be fitted with a more powerful sensor array." The navigation was going to be fun, but that's what the pilot would be doing, these two had to keep the shuttle alive and intact long enough to do that.

"And wouldn't you know it, I actually know an excellent engineer!" Ethan glanced around, "Well, she's somewhere around, I'm sure!"

Taya frowned at the captain's explanation. "Sir, we can make the modifications: strengthen the SIF, modify the shields for the radiation, and install better sensors. We could even rev up the engines to let the shuttle get even closer. However, if at all possible, I would recommend remote piloting instead of a living person at the helm. Even with enhanced shielding, there's going to be some radiation that gets through. You also don't want the shuttle to pass the point of no return because of the gravitational pull." She shuddered inwardly at how dangerous this was.

Carter thought, "But as the shuttle gets closer there will be a time delay between the input and response. Is there a way to get around that?" She wasn't an engineer either, so she didn't know the answer to this question.

Taya hadn't considered a possible time delay. "Perhaps we should bring the science officer in on this."

"Let's focus on the modifications first," she said "If we go for a manned mission or a remote, or a limited VI profile the modifications will need to be the same. So let's start there and I will send the SO down to you once she has finished her other task" Carter smiled "Lise is in high demand. Is there Anything else you both want to ask before I head back to the bridge?"

Taya glanced at Brash before replying. "No, Captain, I understand what you need me to do."

"I'm ready to assist!" Ethan exclaimed. "We'll have this job done before you can say 'Brace for impact!'"

"You work on maximizing the shuttle output to enhance the shields and structural integrity field," said Taya to Brash. "I'll see what we have in ship stores that will allow us to enhance the sensors. Sound good?" She smiled.

"Fine by me." Ethan nodded.

"Very well," Carter said with a smile, "You have one shuttlecraft to get ready. What I wouldn't give for a Delta Flyer right about now" wishful thinking "If there are any other suggestions then by all means put a team on it." She nodded to each of them and left them to their task. She was due back on the bridge but she did almost hope that she could fly this mission.

The deck clicked with each step of his standard uniform boots as the Chief of Operations considered the options. "Disabling weapons?" He nodded to himself as he approached the back of the shuttle, "Yes, yes. That should help, but what else?"

His lips perched upwards as his red hand tapped the controls. The entrance ramp was lowering when he perked up, again, "Maybe wear EV suits and cut power to life support!" He took two steps on the ramp, then stopped, "No, that wouldn't save much, and dexterity isn't as good. Scratch that. Ugh, what else?!" He called out as he ducked into the shuttle's entrance doorway.

Ethan dashed to the front of the ship, plopping down unceremoniously into the pilot seat. He kicked his legs up onto the co-pilot chair, hands clasping behind his head as he pondered. He was so busy tabulating his thoughts that he almost didn't notice the sound of another entering the shuttle.

She looked at him, her blue head shaking with an almost outward display of admonishment. "Ahem." Came the Master Chief's signal for Ethan to get his act together. And, of course, as always, he wasn't phased. Ethan smiled, coyly at his Assistant Operations Officer. "Etzel! If it isn't my favorite Andorian."

"Have you considered," She ignored his pleasantries, "using a portable fusion reactor as a short term extension of the shuttle's power?"

The wicked grin that spread across Ethan's face would've been infectious had Etzel not already created a strong defense against his charms. "That's good! I like it!" He turned his head sideways for just a moment, then snapped back to her, "Do we have one of those?"

A set of blue fingers splayed across the PADD in her hand, the Andorian bringing up a document of the Eagle's supplies. In short, "Yes."


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