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Tactical Check In

Posted on Thu May 13, 2021 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Sibyl Danzer & Commander Ajani Carter

Mission: Episode 4: Infiltration
Location: Captain's Readyroom
Timeline: Just after the Battle
942 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Carter was sat on the sofa in her ready room under the large picture window. Around her were tablets and padds; on their still active screens were partly finished letters to the families of those officers who had given their lives. She had started half a dozen and had yet to find the words to finish any of them. These would be the first such letters she had ever written, sure she had lost people before but never as a commanding officer. She had already sent the standard notifications but she felt a need to write something more, Ajani just had no idea what that more was.

A chirp from the captain's door interrupted Carter's melancholy task.

She stood up and went to tug upon her jacket, then remembered it was slung over the back of her chair leaving her in the undershirt, she sighed. "Come in"

The new tactical officer was admitted but came just to the door frame as she observed the office and gathered from the open personnel files displayed on the tablets what the captain was occupied with trying to do. "Am I intruding, Captain? Should I come back at a better time?"

"Ah, Lieutenant Danzer. Please come in" Carter gestured, he ready room was just barely organized chaos, with the attack and word that the Eagle would be getting a new bridge module there were boxes everywhere.

"Thank you, ma'am." She ventured further inside, folding her hands behind her respectfully. "Is there any way in which I can help?"

Nodding to the chair, the only chair that was not full of boxes. "I will get to the point. The Eagle has seen more than her fair share of tactical officers, With the death of Kerr i am once again without a chief in that department. I would like to offer you the job."

"It's my pleasure to serve whatever capacity required." Sibyl said with measured humility as she took the offered seat. She had not yet served as senior staff on any of her postings, and it was a milestone in her career, but she hardly thought gushing about it was the way to begin this new stage of her career. "I accept the position."

Carter managed to smile "I know it is unexpected" she began "I have read your service jacket and your short time upon the Eagle shows promise. You are a good officer now, i expect you will become a great one as your move through your career, this is the first step on that road" Carter smiled at herself and shook her head. "I had not intended to jump into a speech. Needless to say Tactical and ships Intelligence is yours. Once we get to Illiran our Offensive and defensive systems will get an overhaul. I have authorized a tactical operations centre. Little bigger than my quarters all said but it will be yours to command."

"Size doesn't matter. I'll put the suite to good use, Ma'am. I imagine you'll brief me on where my predecessor left off? What would you like me to begin with?"

"Mr Kerr wasn't in the job long enough to consider changes." Ajani shrugged "However, with the refit we have the chance to make a few changes" she pressed a control and a holographic image of the Eagle soon to be new bridge. Ajani spun it around and highlighted one of the large wrap around consoles. "This one here will be Tactical, the station has enough surface space for all the operations you'd need. She spun the model again and this time pointed to the wall mounted view screens at the front of the bridge, "Tactical will also control one of these" she pointed to the far left screen, "and this one" the Commander pointed to the screen on the left hand wall, almost next to the station itself.

Sibyl was impressed at the available resources. "I will make sure sufficient personnel are assigned to the posts. With that many bridge stations we should have ample capacity for situation reports, tracking and targeting, shields, torpedoes, phaser arrays... I'll arrange for the stations to be prioritized for different key systems and run some tactical drills with my department to ensure we can coordinate for various situations."

"Good, you will also be over seeing the Intel officer aboard. He is a willing officer but is not a tactical officer." She smiled "But his contacts are a valuable resource. Make sure to have a chat with him when you get a moment, and while not tied with security make sure you coordinate with the chief" she shrugged "When we get one that is."

"Noted, ma'am. There's nothing worse than failed communication between departments. Well. Maybe aside from enemy moles, plasma fires, and lice. But." She smiled. "It's still up there. I digress." Sibyl cleared her throat. "How long will we be docked here?" The meaning behind the question was clear enough— would there be opportunity to explore this new place?

Carter grabbed a padd off her desk. "Repairing the damage, replacing the Bridge module and a handful of upgrades" she scrolled down the list "Two weeks, shore leave will be granted but the Illirans require oversight for the final stage of the work. The lists have been posted, but you might want to run a few drills with your staff." Ajani smiled "Questions?"

"For the moment, none."

Ajani nodded, "Welcome aboard the Eagle Sibyl. I hope that you will find a home here" it was only a few weeks into her command, the Eagle wasn't even fully home for her yet.

"You know where i am if you need anything."


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