Specifications - USS Da Vinci

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Class Da Vinci
Role Light Cruiser
Duration 80
Time Between Refits 2
Time Between Resupply 5


Length 258.57m
Width 220.09m
Height 42m
Decks 9


Officers 30
Enlisted Crew 80
Marines 24


Cruise Speed 7.25
Maximum Speed 8.75
Emergency Speed 9.25

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Defensive Systems Auto-Modulating Shields
Metaphasic Shielding
Regenerative Shielding

Ablative Armour
Energy Weapons Type X Array: 6
Type U Pulse Phaser Cannons: 2
Ordnance Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 3
– Photon Torpedoes: 80
– Quantum Torpedoes: 60
– Polaron Torpedoes: 12

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 1 shuttlebay with two doors
Shuttles and Support Craft Type 11 Shuttle: 1
Type 9 Shuttle: 2
Brunel Workpod: 2