Specifications - U.S.S. Devils Brew

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Class Akira Class
Role Heavy Cruiser
Duration 80
Time Between Refits 1 year
Time Between Resupply 5 years


Length 646m
Width 316m
Height 87m
Decks 22


Officers 115
Enlisted Crew 400
Marines 96
Civilians 100


Cruise Speed 6.5
Maximum Speed 9.5
Emergency Speed 9.8 (for 12 hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Defensive Systems Ablative Armour
Auto-Modulating Shields
Metaphasic Shielding
Energy Weapons Type X Array: 4
Ordnance Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 15
– Photon Torpedoes: 713
– Quantum Torpedoes: 357
– Polaron Torpedo: 55
Tri-Cobalt Devices: 4

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 1
Shuttles and Support Craft Type 10 Shuttle: 2
Type 11 Shuttle: 4
Type 9 Shuttle: 4
Brunel Workpod: 4
Fighters Gryphon Fighter/Bomber: 8
Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter: 16
Runabouts Danube Runabout: 2
Delta Flyer Runabout: 1
Talon Scout: 1