Specifications - U.S.S. Eagle

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The Saber Class starship entered service in 2358 with the purpose to replace the out-dated Oberth class science/scout ships, as well as to fill the role of an escort/police vessel for the internal security of the Federation. She was envisioned as an extension of the Steamrunner class light cruiser, so that, when working in tandem, the two classes would complement and support each other. With limited facilities, long-term missions were generally outside of its design, but for internal Federation missions, or specific deep space objectives, the Saber proved to be a very capable ship.

Small, fast, highly maneuverable, and well armed, the Saber has also proven its worth as a defensive vessel. Many ships of this class were involved in the defense of Sol during the Second Borg Incursion, as well as being involved in the conflict against the Cardassian/Dominion alliance. While not specifically a warship, the Saber held its own and showed itself to be a valuable asset for Starfleet and the Federation.


Class Sabre
Role Frigate
Duration 80
Time Between Refits 2
Time Between Resupply 5


Length 190m
Width 193m
Height 42m
Decks 9


Officers 20
Enlisted Crew 60


Cruise Speed 5.6
Maximum Speed 8.9
Emergency Speed 9.3 (12hrs)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Defensive Systems Ablative Armour
Auto-Modulating Shields
Metaphasic Shielding
Energy Weapons Type IX Array: 4
Type X Array: 2
Ordnance Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 3
Photon Torpedoes: 80
Quantum Torpedoes: 60

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 1
Shuttles and Support Craft Type 9 Shuttlecraft: 3