Uniforms of the USS Eagle

Created by Commander Ajani Carter on Sun Jan 17, 2021 @ 10:44pm

Uniforms of the USS Eagle

Starfleet has redesigned their uniforms a dozen times. At some point before 2397 Starfleet allowed Captains to set the uniform for their crew, some commanding officers go as far as to allow their officers and crew to choose their own duty uniforms. Ajani Carter, the captain of the USS Eagle has decided to set the uniform, favouring the standard trio of department colours.

Like all Starfleet uniforms those worn by the crew of the USS Eagle include all the standard technology and benefits. All uniforms are tailored to the person wearing it, it is designed to help the body regulate hotter or colder than normal environments, offer limited protection from dangerous situations; such as fire and shrapnel.


Dress uniforms are worn during occasions when formality is required. Marines and Fleet both wear the same uniform.



Categories: Starfleet