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Wed Jan 19, 2022 @ 1:30pm

Lieutenant JG Karl Scheer

Name Karl Scheer

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 250 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Karl is clean shaven and looks very young for his age. So much so that most people have a hard time taking him seriously because he looks like a kid. That hasn't deterred him though. He keeps his uniform clean per regulations but doesn't treat it like it's the Holy Grail. He walks with an air of confidence that is almost unsettling, entering any room as if he owns the place


Spouse None
Children None
Father David Scheer
Mother Kathryn Scheer
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Karl likes to have fun and make a wise crack whenever he finds an opportunity. However when it's time to get serious you want no one else at the helm. He is cocky due to his flying abilities and sometimes gets carried away. He's the kind of guy that can be your wingman in the bar at night but you also want to check his attitude the next day. He's loyal to those who show him respect but is easy to make enemies of those that doubt him and must prove them wrong.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is one of the best pilots to graduate from the academy in the last 20 years. He's been flying ever since he was a kid. However there are times when he thinks the rules don't apply to him. He can charm his way out of most situations but is always willing to fight his way out if need be. This has gotten him into trouble a lot of times
Ambitions To design and fly the most advanced ship ever built
Hobbies & Interests In his free time you can find Karl either in his family's property or holodeck rebuilding and flying old planes. Everything from old biplanes to the most advanced spacecraft. He enjoys hanging out with friends and prefers his whiskey neat. He's very much a ladies man but doesn't think settling down with one girl is for him.

Personal History Karl was born in a small town just outside of Berlin where his father was stationed at the time. His father was what people called a "lifer" in StarFleet. Karl's family moved from Germany to San Francisco when his father, a ship designer, was promoted and transferred to Utopia Planitia. Karl grew up working on old planes and learning to fly them thus beginning his love with flight. He had to learn to fly everything. He went to StarFleet Academy at the age of 18 and was easily the top in his class for the first few years. He was always pushing the boundaries of the instructors on what considered "the right thing to do." His time in flight training was the only thing that mattered to him. He did the bare minimum in his other studies. This put him in the very center of the microscope that was his instructors' vision. Everything changed when on one of his last assessments everything went wrong. The students were doing a fully manned flight within the Sol System where they had to visit each planet and circle back to Earth. On his approach to Saturn, Karl's runabout suffered a breach in its warp manifold due to a gravitational anomaly. The proctors of the test as well as the instructor on board told him to shut everything down and wait for rescue. Karl, realizing that they were caught in Saturn's gravitational pull and the ship was being pulled toward one of Titan's largest cities, decided to make a very well timed and pinpoint accurate micro warp jump back to Earth SpaceDock and get everyone beamed aboard and the ship sent on an course out of the system before the breached manifold caused the ship to explode. This action caused Karl to fail his exam but he had enough points to graduate. However because he went against regulations no captain wanted him on any ship so he was assigned as a shuttle pilot based out of Starbase 50. A posting he felt was a death to his career. Karl impressed the commander of the USS Tesla with his abilities when their shuttle was forced to drop out of warp into an asteroid field. Later being appointed the Helmsman on the Tesla. During her maiden voyage, the ship came under fire and it was Karl's quick actions that saved them. The ship suffered moderate damage due to the evasive maneuvers. Saving the ship earned him a promotion to Lieutenant JG.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: Cadet

Starbase 50: Shuttle Pilot

USS Tesla: Chief Flight Control Officer